public-api 0.24.2

List and diff the public API of Rust library crates. Relies on rustdoc JSON output from the nightly toolchain.

You probably want the CLI

This is a low level Rust library. You probably want to use this high level and convenient CLI: cargo public-api.


List and diff the public API of Rust library crates by analyzing rustdoc JSON output files from the nightly toolchain.

This library is the backbone of cargo public-api.


The library comes with a thin bin wrapper that can be used to explore the capabilities of this library.

# Build and install the thin bin wrapper with a recent stable Rust toolchain
cargo install public-api

# Install nightly-2022-09-28 or later so you can build up-to-date rustdoc JSON files
rustup install nightly

List the public API

To list all items that form the public API of your Rust library:

# Generate rustdoc JSON for your own Rust library
% cd ~/src/your_library
% cargo +nightly rustdoc --lib -- -Z unstable-options --output-format json

# List all items in the public API of your Rust library
% public-api ./target/doc/your_library.json
pub mod public_api
pub fn public_api::Options::clone(&self) -> Options
pub fn public_api::Options::default() -> Self
pub fn public_api::PublicItem::clone(&self) -> PublicItem
pub fn public_api::public_api_from_rustdoc_json_str(rustdoc_json_str: &str, options: Options) -> Result<Vec<PublicItem>>
pub struct public_api::Options
pub struct public_api::PublicItem
pub struct field public_api::Options::sorted: bool
pub struct field public_api::Options::with_blanket_implementations: bool

Diff the public API

It is frequently of interest to know how the public API of a crate has changed. You can find this out by doing a diff between different versions of the same library. The higher level tool cargo public-api makes this more convenient, but it is possible without it.

# Generate two different rustdoc JSON files for two different versions of your library
# and then pass both files to the bin to make it print the public API diff
% public-api ./target/doc/your_library.old.json  ./target/doc/your_library.json

-pub fn public_api::sorted_public_api_from_rustdoc_json_str(rustdoc_json_str: &str) -> Result<Vec<PublicItem>>
+pub fn public_api::sorted_public_api_from_rustdoc_json_str(rustdoc_json_str: &str, options: Options) -> Result<Vec<PublicItem>>

+pub fn public_api::Options::clone(&self) -> Options
+pub fn public_api::Options::default() -> Self
+pub struct public_api::Options
+pub struct field public_api::Options::with_blanket_implementations: bool

Library documentation

Documentation can be found at as usual. There are also some simple examples on how to use the library. The code for the thin bin wrapper might also be of interest.


Please refer to

Historical note

The code for this library used to live at So git tags for old versions are found in that repo rather than this repo.